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The Be Yourself Cliché and Why You Shouldn't Listen to It

We've all heard the saying before, "be yourself." But what does that really mean? And more importantly, why should you bother? In this blog post, we'll explore the be yourself cliché and why you shouldn't listen to it.

The be yourself cliché is one of those pieces of advice that's so easy to say but so hard to follow. After all, how can you truly be yourself when you don't even know who that is? For many people, the answer lies in exploring different aspects of their personality and slowly piecing together a true picture of who they are. However, this can be a lengthy and difficult process, particularly if you're someone who's naturally shy or introverted.

One of the biggest problems with the be yourself cliché is that it's often used as a way to dismiss someone's concerns or fears. "Don't worry about what other people think," or "just be yourself and everything will work out," are two common examples. But the reality is that other people's opinions do matter, and if you're not careful, they can have a negative impact on your life.

For example, let's say you're at a party and you see someone you fancy across the room. You want to go talk to them, but you're worried about what they might think of you. So instead of working up the courage to approach them, you head for the safety of the nearest exit. In this case, worrying about what other people think has stopped you from doing something that could potentially improve your life.

Of course, there are also times when being yourself can lead to positive outcomes. For example, let's say you've just started a new job and you're feeling a bit out of place. Everyone else seems to know what they're doing, but you feel like an imposter. In this case, being yourself might mean admitting that you're feeling lost and asking for help. This can be a difficult thing to do, but it's often the best way to get back on track.


Hi, I'm Jason Abustan

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