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Complaining is an Illness: Here’s How to Cure It

If you’re a complainer, this post is for you. If you’re not a complainer, this post is for you, too. Because complaining is an illness, and it’s spreading like the flu. The World Health Organization (WHO) has even classified complaining as a disease. And it’s pretty contagious—just ask anyone who’s ever been around a complainer for more than five minutes.

But here’s the good news: Complaining is curable. In fact, it’s cured thousands of people just like you every year. The first step is admitting that you have a problem. And if you’re reading this post, I’m assuming you’ve already taken that step. So congratulations! You’re on your way to recovery.

The next step is to understand why you complain. There are three primary reasons why people complain:

1. To get attention

2. To feel superior

3. To relieve stress

Let’s take a closer look at each of these reasons and how you can overcome them.

1. To Get Attention

If you find yourself complaining for the sole purpose of getting attention, there are two things you can do to break this habit:

-Seek out positive attention instead of negative attention. This means doing things that will make people want to be around you, instead of driving them away with your negativity.

- low self-esteem or insecurity are often at the root of this problem, so work on building your self-confidence by accepting compliments and striving to be your best self.

2. To Feel Superior

If your need to complain stems from feeling superior to others, try these tips:

- Instead of putting others down, look for things about them that you admire and tell them what those things are.

- Make an effort to see things from other people’s perspectives—you might be surprised to find that they have valid points of view that are different from your own.

- when you start feeling superior, check yourself and ask if there’s anything about the situation that makes you feel insecure or inferior in some way.; once you identify those feelings, address them head-on instead of using complaint as a crutch.

3. To Relieve Stress

Finally, if you find yourself complaining as a way to relieve stress, try these coping mechanisms instead:

-Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what’s causing your stress instead of bottling it up until it comes out as complaint later on.;

-Take some time for yourself every day to do something that makes YOU happy—this could be reading, dancing, taking a nature walk, etc.;

-Identify your complaints triggers and try to avoid them if possible.;

- Practice mindfulness and try to be present in the moment as much as possible.;

-Remind yourself that whatever is stressing you out is likely temporary and will eventually pass.;

-Keep a gratitude journal and list everything in your life that you’re thankful for—this will help shift your focus from what’s stressing you out to all the good things in your life.; If left unchecked, complaining can quickly become a bad habit with serious consequences—but the good news is that it IS curable! By understanding the root causes of your complaining and using the strategies outlined above, you can break free from the negativity and start enjoying life again…complaint-free!

Thanks for reading! I hope this was helpful.:)


Hi, I'm Jason Abustan

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