How to become broke in 10 easy steps!

Are you tired of being rich? Do you want to throw all your money away and live a life of poverty? If so, then this blog post is for you! Just follow these 10 easy steps and you'll be broke in no time.
1. Stop Saving
If you're serious about becoming broke, then the first thing you need to do is stop setting aside money each month into savings. That money could be spent on much more important things, like alcohol, cigarettes, or lottery tickets!
2. Get Into Debt
Another great way to become broke is by getting yourself into as much debt as possible. Start by maxing out your credit cards, and then take out some loans from shady lenders. The more debt you have, the closer you'll be to becoming broke!
3. Gamble all your money away
Gambling is a great way to lose all your money quickly. Whether it's going to the casino or buying lottery tickets, gambling can help you achieve your goal of becoming broke faster than you ever thought possible!
4. Make Poor Financial decisions
If you really want to become broke, then you need to start making poor financial decisions. For example, instead of investing in a solid stock that will appreciate over time, put all your money into a penny stock that's likely to go bankrupt tomorrow. By making poor financial decisions, you'll ensure that your money disappears quickly.
5. Live Beyond Your Means
One of the surest ways to become broke is by living beyond your means. Buy that new car even though you can't afford it, lease a luxury apartment even though it's out of your price range, and go on expensive vacations even though you're already in debt up to your eyeballs. Living beyond your means will guarantee that you become broke sooner rather than later!
6. Ignore Your Budget
Another great way to ensure that you become broke is by ignoring your budget entirely. Stop tracking your expenses and start living impulsively! The more reckless you are with your spending, the quicker you'll find yourself struggling financially.
7. Don't Invest In Yourself
If you want to be broke, then it's important that you don't invest in yourself in any way. Forgo taking courses or getting certifications that could help improve your career prospects; after all, why invest in yourself when you can spend that money on things that will give you immediate gratification?
8. Withdraw From Your Savings Regularly
If you have any money at all saved up, make sure to withdraw from it regularly so that it disappears quickly. After all, what's the point of having savings if you're never going to use them? Withdrawing from your savings account is a great way to watch your hard-earned money disappear before your very eyes!
9. Is there someone who can help me become broke ?
Ask around and see if anyone knows anyone who can help make you broke quickly–and make sure to pay them handsomely for their services! The faster you become broke, the better off you'll be!
10. Finally, remember this one important tip: the best way to become broke quickly is by doing everything in excess. if You want to truly succeed at becoming broke , make sure that everything you do–from spending to gambling to taking on debt–is done in excess . By following these simple tips ,you'll be well on your way to achieving your goal of becoming broke!