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How to Make Money On TikTok 2023 (Ultimate Guide)

How to Make Money on TikTok

How to make money on TikTok
How to make money on TikTok

If you're reading this, you're probably already familiar with the popular social media platform TikTok. With its addictive short-form videos and ever-evolving array of music, memes, and trends, it's no wonder TikTok has exploded in popularity in recent years.

But beyond just being a fun way to pass the time, TikTok can also be a lucrative platform for creators looking to monetize their content.

Many inspirational careers were started with TikTok.

In this blog, we'll explore some of the ways you can make money on TikTok.

Before we dive in, it's important to note that making money on TikTok, like any social media platform, requires dedication, creativity, and a lot of hard work.

It's not easy to gain a following or create engaging content that resonates, and it can take time to see financial success and earn money.

That being said, there are definitely opportunities for creators to monetize their content, make it one of their revenue streams, and earn a living on TikTok.

Let's get into how to make money on TikTok, here are a few ways to get started:

Sponsored content

One way to make money on TikTok is by creating sponsored content.

This means promoting brands by working with companies to promote their products or services in your videos.

There are a few different ways you can do this:

Brand deals

You can work with a brand directly to create sponsored content for their products or services. This might involve creating a series of videos featuring the brand's products, or incorporating their products into your existing content. To find brand partnerships, you can reach out to companies you're interested in working with or use a platform like BrandSnob to connect with other brands looking for TikTok creators.

Affiliate marketing

Another option is to use affiliate marketing to promote products in your TikTok videos. This involves posting sponsored content by including an affiliate link in your video description that allows you to earn a commission when someone clicks on the link and makes a purchase. To get started with affiliate marketing, you can sign up for a program like Amazon Associates or Commission Junction.

Here are some tips for negotiating a sponsorship:

  1. Do your research: Find out as much as you can about the potential sponsor and their target audience. This will help you tailor your pitch and show how your event or organization aligns with their goals and values.

  2. Make a list of your assets: Think about what you have to offer the sponsor. This could include access to a specific demographic (including Tiktok followers, how many followers), visibility at your event, what kind of reach influencer marketing has, or the opportunity for the sponsor to showcase their products or services.

  3. Set clear and specific goals: Determine what you want to achieve through the sponsorship and be sure to communicate these goals to the sponsor. This could include a certain number of event attendees, social media and tiktok followers, video descriptions, or brand mentions.

  4. Create a sponsorship proposal: This should outline the benefits of sponsoring your event or organization and how it aligns with the sponsor's goals. Be sure to include information about your assets and specific goals, as well as any promotional opportunities or branding placements that the sponsor will receive.

  5. Be prepared to negotiate: Don't be afraid to negotiate the terms of the sponsorship. Be open to discussing different levels of sponsorship or finding ways to add value for the sponsor. Remember, you can have many sponsorship deals, it's all about finding the paid partnerships that pay content creators fairly.

  6. Follow up and thank the sponsor: After the sponsorship has been secured, be sure to follow up with the sponsor to confirm the details and thank them for their support. Even if they are paid partnerships, this will help to build a positive relationship and may lead to future sponsorship opportunities.

Ad Breaks

If you have a large TikTok following and create engaging, high-quality content, you may be eligible for TikTok's Ad Breaks program.

This program allows eligible creators to insert short TikTok ads into their videos and TikTok rewards you by earning a share of the ad revenue.

To be eligible, you'll need to have at least 10,000 followers and at least 1,000 views on your videos.

Virtual gift donations

Another way to monetize your TikTok account is by allowing fans to send you virtual gifts through the app.

These gifts can then be converted into real money, which you can then be paid directly by withdrawing through PayPal or another payment method.

To accept virtual gifts, you'll need to be at least 18 years old and have a verified account.

Merchandise sales

If you have a strong brand and a dedicated following on TikTok, you may be able to sell products like merchandise to your fans.

This could include things like t-shirts, hats, and other branded items.

To get started, you'll need to set up an online store to sell directly and start promoting your products through your TikTok account.


TikTok's LIVE feature allows creators to go live and interact with their followers in real-time.

During a LIVE stream, viewers can send virtual gifts and donations to the creator, which can be converted into real money.

To start a LIVE stream, you'll need to be at least 18 years old and have at least 1,000 followers.

YouTube channel

Other Platforms
Other Platforms

While TikTok is a great platform for sharing short-form content, it may not be the best place to post longer, more in-depth content.

You may want to consider other platforms, like creating a YouTube channel in addition to your TikTok account.

YouTube allows creators to monetize their content through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales, and it also has a larger audience than TikTok.

You can cross-promote your engaging videos on TikTok and YouTube and other social media platforms to reach a wider audience and potentially increase your earning potential.

Subscription services

If you have a large and dedicated following, you may be able to monetize your content through a subscription service like Patreon or OnlyFans.

These platforms allow followers to pay a monthly fee to access exclusive content, behind-the-scenes footage, and other perks.

To get started with a subscription service, you'll need to create a page and start promoting it to your followers.

If you have enough followers, you can keep your subscription costs low which will also attract new followers.

Freelance work

If you have a particular talent or expertise, you may be able to use TikTok to showcase your skills and attract freelance work, and another way of earning money. Having a small business helps in this case. For example, if you're a musician, you can use TikTok to share your music and potentially land gigs. Or if you're a makeup artist, you can use TikTok to show off your skills and attract clients.


Paid directly
Paid directly

If you have a specific project or idea that you want to fund, you can use TikTok to promote a crowdfunding campaign.

Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and GoFundMe allow you to pitch your project to the public and ask for donations to help fund it.

To be successful with crowdfunding, you'll need to create a compelling pitch and promote it through your TikTok profile and other social media channels.


If you have a large and dedicated following, you may be able to monetize your content through donations from your engaged audience.

There are a few different ways you can collect tips through several tipping platforms:


You can include your PayPal link as a tipping feature in your TikTok bio and ask for donations.


Similar to PayPal, you can include your Venmo link also as a tipping feature in your bio and ask for donations.


As mentioned above, Patreon is a subscription service that allows fans to pay a monthly fee to access exclusive content. By creating a Patreon page, you can use Patreon as a way to accept donations from your fans.

Overall, there are plenty of ways to make money on TikTok, but it requires dedication, creativity, and a lot of hard work.

The key is to find a monetization strategy that works for you and your audience.

Whether it's through sponsored content, ad breaks, virtual gift donations, merchandise sales, a YouTube channel, freelance work, crowdfunding, or donations, there are plenty of opportunities to turn your TikTok content into a profitable business.

Access the TikTok Creator Fund

The TikTok Creator Fund is a financial assistance program designed to support and empower TikTok creators.

The fund provides eligible creators with financial support to help them continue creating high-quality content and grow their presence on the platform.

To access the TikTok Creator Fund, you'll need to meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • You must be at least 18 years old.

  • You must have a verified account on TikTok.

  • You must have a significant following on the platform, as determined by TikTok.

  • You must create original, high-quality content that is consistent with TikTok's community guidelines.

If you meet these requirements, you can apply for the TikTok's Creator Fund through the TikTok Creator Portal.

To do so, you'll need to fill out an application and provide information about your content, your goals, and your plans for using the funding.

It's important to note that the TikTok's Creator Fund is highly competitive and not all applicants will be accepted.

TikTok will review your application and determine whether you are eligible for the fund based on your content, your engagement, and your potential to grow your presence on the platform.

If you are accepted into the TikTok's Creator Fund, you'll receive financial support to help you continue creating content and grow your presence on the platform.

The amount of funding TikTok creator fund users receive will depend on a variety of factors, including your content, your engagement, and your potential to grow your following.

The TikTok Creator Fund is an excellent opportunity for eligible creators to receive financial support and grow their presence on the platform.

If you meet the eligibility requirements and are interested in applying, be sure to visit the TikTok Creator Portal and fill out an application.

Here are a few tips for creating engaging TikTok posts:

  1. Keep it short and sweet: TikTok is all about short-form content, so make sure to keep your videos concise and to the point. Aim for videos that are 15 seconds to a minute long, depending on the content and format.

  2. Use catchy music: Music is a big part of the TikTok experience, so make sure to choose catchy, popular songs or sound bites to accompany your videos. This will help make your content more memorable and engaging.

  3. Use eye-catching visuals: TikTok is a visual platform, so make sure to use eye-catching visuals in your videos. This could include bright colors, bold graphics, or creative camera angles.

  4. Be creative: TikTok is all about creativity, so don't be afraid to get creative with your content. This could mean trying out new formats, experimenting with different editing styles, or creating original content.

  5. Post often: Like most social media platforms, the Tiktok algorithm recognizes prolific creators, so the more often you post, the more visible your profile will be on the "For You" Page.

  6. Use hashtags: Hashtags are a big part of the TikTok experience and the Tiktok algorithm, so make sure to include relevant hashtags in your posts. This will help your content get discovered by users who are interested in similar topics.

  7. Engage with your audience: TikTok is a social platform, so make sure to engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages, asking for feedback, and participating in challenges and trends.

  8. Use captions: TikTok videos are often watched with the sound off, so make sure to include captions in your videos to ensure that your message is clear even without sound.

  9. Understand how Tiktok Ads work: This can factor in how your content is received, if you have sponsored content, paid partnerships, or promoting brands, make sure the content aligns with your profile so as not to seem like your video is just one of many TikTok ads, make it stand out, but also make it feel like it's part of your channel.

  10. Offer Promotions/Giveaways: Users love free product, and it can lead to new followers. By making the condition to join a giveaway is subscribing to your Tiktok account, you can drive traffic to your channel, and instantly gain followers. If you have your own products you can give away, even better.

By following these tips, you can create engaging TikTok posts that stand out on the platform and attract a larger following.

A few more tips for making money on TikTok (and getting the most out of your TikTok Account):

  • Build a strong brand: To be successful on TikTok, it's important to have a strong brand that resonates with your audience. This means creating a TikTok profile that has consistent, high-quality content that reflects your personality and interests. It also means having a cohesive visual identity, such as a consistent color scheme or logo. Building a strong brand with authentic content will help you stand out on the platform and attract opportunities for monetization.

  • Collaborate with other creators: Collaborating with other creators on a TikTok whose content aligns with yours is a great way to grow your audience, access more users, drive traffic, and increase your visibility on TikTok. You can collaborate on content, cross-promote each other's content, or even co-host a LIVE. Look at other channels and Tiktok accounts with engaging content that feel like they would great for collaboration. Collaborating with other creators can also lead to new opportunities for monetization, such as brand partnerships or sponsorships.

  • Utilize TikTok's tools and features: TikTok has a variety of tools and features that can help you grow your following and monetize your content. This includes things like the "For You" page, hashtags, and the "Duet" feature, which allows you to create a split-screen video with another user's content. By utilizing these tools and features, you can increase your visibility on the platform with Tiktok's algorithm and potentially attract more opportunities for monetization.

  • Know your exact audience: Familiarity with Tiktok users is key. What target audience are you trying to reach? Is your content funny? Serious? Perhaps you're able to impart helpful advice? No matter what it is, it's important to understand your audience's interests and create content that is true to you. TikTok audiences are able to tell when you're being genuine and sincere. Once you become known for a particular type of TikTok video, you can build your own brand that can also attract sponsorship deals.

  • Engage with your audience: Building a relationship with your audience is key to success on TikTok. Make sure to respond to comments, messages, and DMs, and ask for feedback from your followers, or other TikTok users who can become potential followers. Listen to your audience's interests. Engaging with your audience will help you build a loyal and dedicated following, which can lead to more opportunities to make money.

  • Check the TikTok FAQ: If you have a question about the platform, chances are someone has already ask it before you. There might not be an answer to "How to make money on TikTok?", but it will help you understand Tiktok ads, paid partnerships, the TikTok creator marketplace, brand deals, etc.

  • Diversify your following: Having other accounts on other social media platforms to cross promote your TikTok profile can expand your reach. Other platforms might have more users who are not on TikTok discovering your TikTok video and becoming a followers. By not limiting yourself to only Tiktok users, you could grow your followers. the key is trying to make the most money on all social media platforms, not just Tiktok.

  • Be patient: Making money on TikTok takes time and dedication. It's important to be patient and keep working hard, even if you don't see immediate success. You may not get a million views overnight, or earn money right away. Other factors can play a part in your success, being determined to make money is a good start. It can take time to build a following and find the right monetization strategy, so be patient and keep working towards your goals.


In conclusion, there are plenty of ways to make money on TikTok, but like most inspirational careers, it requires hard work, dedication, and creativity.

By building a strong brand, collaborating with other creators, utilizing TikTok's tools and features, engaging with your audience, and being patient, you can turn your TikTok content into a profitable business. Good luck!


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