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Music to Heal: How Music Can Help Ease Depression

For many people, music is an escape. It can transport us to another time or place, make us feel happy or sad, and even provide comfort in difficult times. But did you know that music can also help ease depression? Studies have shown that listening to certain types of music can decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol, lower blood pressure, and slow heart rate—all of which can have a positive impact on our mood and overall mental health.

There are all sorts of genres of music that can help with depression, but some are better than others. Here are a few of our favorites:

1. Classical Music: One study found that patients who listened to 30 minutes of classical music per day experienced less anxiety and fewer symptoms of depression than those who didn't listen to any music at all. Another study found that classical music can help people with depressive symptoms fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. If you're not a classical music fan, don't worry – the same type of calming effect can be achieved with other mellow genres like jazz or folk.

2. Uplifting Pop Songs: If you're looking for something with a little more pep, try some upbeat pop songs. A study published in the journal PLOS One found that people who listened to pop songs with positive lyrics had a decrease in levels of the stress hormone cortisol and reported feeling happier overall. So put on your dancing shoes and let loose – your mental health will thank you for it!

3. Nature Sounds: While not technically "music," sounds from nature – think rainfalls, oceans waves, etc. – can also be helpful in easing depression. One study found that listening to these types of sounds for just 30 minutes per day led to a significant decrease in symptoms of depression and anxiety after eight weeks. And there's an added bonus – nature sounds are also great for concentration and focus, so they can help boost your productivity levels too!

If you're feeling down, give one (or all!) of these types of music a try. You might just find that they have a positive impact on your mood and overall mental health. And who knows – you might even discover a new genre that you enjoy in the process!


Hi, I'm Jason Abustan

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