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Why Friends and Family Will Be The First To Want To See You Fail

You've all been there before. You set a goal for yourself, whether it's to lose weight, start your own business, or save up for a down payment on a house. And initially, everyone is supportive. Your friends cheer you on and your family offers words of encouragement. But then, as time goes on and you don't immediately see results, their attitudes begin to change. The cheering turns to doubting and the encouragement turns to skepticism. Why is that?

The answer lies in something called the Dunning-Kruger effect. This phenomenon occurs when people who are unskilled at something believe that they are actually more skilled than they are. In other words, they are so bad at something that they can't even recognize how bad they are. And unfortunately, this often leads them to underestimate the skill required to achieve success.

As a result, when they see someone close to them working hard towards a goal and not seeing immediate results, it reinforces their own beliefs that it's impossible to achieve said goal. They think, "See? I told you it couldn't be done." Never mind the fact that they've never even tried themselves.

So what can you do about it? The best thing you can do is to surround yourself with people who have already achieved what you're trying to achieve. These people will be able to provide valuable insights, motivation, and support when you need it most. Additionally, avoid sharing your goals with skeptics and naysayers; their doubt will only serve to weaken your own resolve.

When you're working towards a goal, it's important to remember that not everyone will be supportive. In fact, some of the people closest to you will likely be the first ones to want to see you fail. Don't take it personally; it's just human nature. The best thing you can do is to surround yourself with people who have already achieved what you're trying to achieve and avoid sharing your goals with skeptics and naysayers. With the right support system in place, you'll be well on your way to achieving your goals in no time!


Hi, I'm Jason Abustan

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